Things We Love Thursday: Skoah

Contributed by Emma Callin

Like many couples, my husband and I are comfortable at different temperatures - I'm always too cold and Keegan overheats easily. After we got married he set the thermostat to my preferred temperature, though he puts freezer packs directly against his skin to cool down enough to go to sleep in the summer!  This started a personal quest for something that would help him cool down, so when I found Pep Talk Body Wash from Vancouver-based Skoah I convinced him to give it a try.  

This body wash has peppermint oil in it, which has a cooling effect when applied to the body - my husband loved how refreshing it felt (especially with a cool shower), and it had the unexpected benefit of soothing and improving his eczema-prone skin.  As he's had severe eczema since birth and has previously tried a wide range of body care products that only irritated his skin, he decided to try another Skoah product from their men's line: Shampu + Body Wash.  While it lacks the cooling tingle of Pep Talk, this has become his favourite for the gym and traveling - hair and body wash in one bottle.  

Keegan is an avid cyclist and climber, he also enjoys working on cars.  Unfortunately, bike/engine grease and climbing chalk don't do his skin any favours, drying his hands out until they're covered in split, bleeding knuckles and causing his eczema to flare up.  Other than his doctor-prescribed hydro-cortisone cream every other hand cream makes his hands horribly itchy, but Skoah's Heel & Elbow Balm works and doesn't cause a reaction. The same goes for the Body Lotion 30, which also provides a natural SPF of 30 and is the only sun protection Keegan's tried that doesn't aggravate his eczema.

So with Father's Day coming up, here's my suggestion: forget the tie and greeting card and go visit Skoah!

This is not a paid post.  We just wanted to share something that we love - because it works! 


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