It's personal

I love working in fashion but am less pleased with the stereotypes attached to the industry - that if you're interested in fashion you are vacuous, self-absorbed and judgmental.  I guess it's kind of hard for most people to see past that when there's always a new "worst dressed list" or "fashion disaster meme" circulating on the internet, loaded with vicious comments tearing apart someone else's outfit.

Yet fashion is also known as a means of personal expression - unique to each person and changing throughout their life.  So to focus on that aspect I wanted to celebrate the "personal" in "personal style" with a photo shoot with my friends! 

My girlfriends are all very different, with a wide age range and diverse interests and careers.  Our lives are not the same so why should our style be?  We don't all like the same things but that's what keeps our friendship fresh and interesting.  What we have in common is a confidence in our own individual style without dismissing what others choose to wear.  

As a kid I didn't want to wear a school uniform; I definitely don't want to wear the same thing as everyone else now.  Difference is a good thing!  The world would be so boring if we all dressed the same way. 

#lovewhatyouwear #personalstyle #ownyourstyle #beunique #beyou

Photos courtesy of Micheal Jones & Darryl Pollock


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