Behind the scenes at By Jean Michel

Back in December I teamed up with Nicky Speer at WorldTown Cosmetics to shoot new product for By Jean Michel - a big project that was shot over one of the coldest weekends this winter, but so much fun!  This was the first time I've been involved simultaneously behind and in front of the camera so the experience was very new for me.

Steve Speer, Madi Speer, myself, Jean Michel Gires, Agung Nugrahaeni

In addition to Nicky's makeup magic, her photographer father was snapping photos with Jean Michel and her sister was also modelling.  Having the Speer family on board really helped keep the atmosphere relaxed but still energetic; I don't think I've ever laughed so much at a photo shoot before!

Multiple ways to wear the Parker Ridge crop top & ball skirt

Styling outfits for myself or other people is something I always enjoy, especially when I get to experiment with multiple ways to wear one combination.  Getting to model the outfits as well was an honour and a pleasure.  I will say that as the photo shoot went on it became more and more obvious in my photos that I was having far too much fun!  Though I'm glad that Jean Michel decided to use some of my silly shots and not just my serious ones.  

My favourite shots of Madi from the photo shoot

Nicky's sister, Madi, was a trooper over the long shoot and kept me laughing the whole time!  That girl has incredible poise no matter what and didn't mess up her shots with funny faces like me.  ^_^;  Thankfully some of my interesting facial expressions ended up working for the look and feel of the outfit or we might have been shooting a lot longer!

Cheeky face!  ^_^

You can see some of the new product shots on the By Jean Michel website, though there are still many more items to add so check back there often!  


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